Activating the seat of personal power, Tiger's Eye is a phenomenal crystal for determination, willpower, and self-belief. If there is a project that you're passionate about, Tiger's Eye will help you see it through to the bitter end. It promotes perseverance and encourages a can-do attitude. You will never give up with this gemstone at your back. It also protects you from the negative intentions of others, and is said to shelter you from the gaze of the evil eye. The most common form of Tiger's Eye predominantly activates the solar plexus chakra, but other variants can open up different chakras.
Stones are sold individually.
Each stone weighs approx. 6-13g. Size and shape may vary.
For further details of this crystal (including chakra connection, zodiacal/birthstone associations, etc.) please download a free Crystal Fact Sheet for this crystal from Digital Downloads.